What Makes Ashtanga Yoga Unique? 

In the world of yoga, there are numerous styles and approaches, each offering benefits and philosophies. Ashtanga Yoga is one of these, and it stands out for its unique characteristics that have attracted practitioners worldwide.

Rooted in ancient traditions, Ashtanga Yoga is more than just a physical exercise; it’s a path to self-discovery, spiritual growth, and physical well-being.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the distinct qualities that make Ashtanga Yoga unique, from its structured postures to its emphasis on breath, focus, and tradition.

The Roots of Ashtanga Yoga

We must first explore its roots to understand what makes Ashtanga yoga unique. This style of yoga finds its origins in the teachings of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, an influential yoga guru, and was later popularized by his student, K. Pattabhi Jois. Ashtanga, which means “eight limbs” in Sanskrit, originated from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, a foundational text in yoga philosophy.

The eight limbs represent a comprehensive path to self-realization, encompassing ethical principles, physical postures, breath control, meditation, and more.

Ashtanga Yoga is known for its systematic and disciplined approach to these eight limbs, setting it apart from other yoga styles.

The Primary Series: Structure and Precision

One of the defining features of Ashtanga Yoga is its structured series of postures. The practice is divided into six series, with the Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa) being the foundational sequence.

Each series becomes progressively more challenging, requiring mastery of the previous one.

The Primary Series is designed to purify and strengthen the body, focusing on detoxification and alignment. This series begins with Sun Salutations and standing postures, gradually moving into seated postures, inversions, and backbends.

Its precise order and alignment principles set the Ashtanga Primary Series apart. Practitioners follow a selected sequence, performing each posture with specific breath counts and vinyasas (movements), creating a meditative and dynamic flow.

Breath, Bandhas, and Drishti

Another distinctive aspect of Ashtanga Yoga emphasizes the trinity of breath, bandhas, and drishti. These three components are crucial in enhancing the practice and setting it apart from other yoga styles.

  1. Breath (Pranayama): Ashtanga Yoga places great importance on synchronizing breath with movement. The ujjayi breath, a deep, ocean-like sound, controls and directs the breath during the practice. This controlled breath helps oxygenate the body, calms the mind, and aids concentration.
  2. Bandhas: Bandhas are energy locks or contractions within the body that help redirect and contain prana (life force energy). In Ashtanga Yoga, practitioners utilize mula bandha, uddiyana bandha, and Jalandhar bandha to channel energy, maintain stability, and cultivate a sense of lightness in their practice.
  3. Drishti: Drishti refers to the focused gaze during each posture. Each asana has a specific drishti point, which not only aids concentration but also encourages the alignment of the body and mind. Drishti helps in turning the practice into a moving meditation.

This holistic approach to yoga, incorporating breath, bandhas, and drishti, contributes to the uniqueness of Ashtanga Yoga and its transformative power.

The Mysore Style

A hallmark of Ashtanga Yoga is the Mysore style of practice. In traditional Mysore classes, students practice at their own pace, following the sequence of postures they have learned, while the teacher provides individual guidance and adjustments.

This self-paced method allows for a personalized practice, making it accessible to practitioners of all levels.

The Mysore style fosters independence, self-awareness, and a deep connection with the practice. It’s an environment where the student can progress gradually and safely, and the teacher becomes a supportive guide on the yogic journey.

Commitment and Daily Practice

Ashtanga Yoga demands commitment and consistency. Traditionally, it is meant to be practiced six days a week, with Saturdays and full moon and new moon days as rest days.

This dedication to daily practice is seen as a way to develop discipline, self-control, and a deeper connection to the practice.

The consistency of daily practice allows for gradual progress and a deepening of one’s understanding of the postures.

This level of commitment and routine is unique to Ashtanga Yoga and reflects the traditional approach to yoga as a way of life.

Philosophical Underpinnings

Beyond the physical postures, Ashtanga Yoga incorporates philosophical principles that underpin the practice.

The teachings of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are central to the philosophy of Ashtanga, emphasizing the ethical and moral guidelines (yamas and niyamas) that govern a yogi’s way of life.

This ethical framework informs the practitioner’s behavior on and off the mat.

Moreover, Ashtanga Yoga encourages self-study (svadhyaya) and devotion to a higher power (Isvara pranidhana). These philosophical aspects add depth and dimension to the practice, creating a holistic approach beyond physical postures.


Ashtanga Yoga’s uniqueness lies in its disciplined and structured approach to yoga, with a deep focus on the breath, alignment, and philosophical principles.

It’s a practice that demands dedication, consistency, and a commitment to the eight limbs of yoga. Through Ashtanga Yoga, individuals cultivate physical strength and flexibility and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, self-awareness, and spiritual growth.

This ancient yoga style is a powerful path to holistic well-being that continues to attract yogis seeking a profound and unique yoga experience.


What distinguishes Ashtanga Yoga from other yoga styles? 

Ashtanga Yoga is unique due to its structured sequence of postures, precise alignment, and focus on the trinity of breath, bandhas, and drishti. It also incorporates philosophical principles from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

How does the Mysore style of practice in Ashtanga Yoga differ from traditional classes? 

In Mysore style, students practice at their own pace, following the sequence they’ve learned, while the teacher offers individual guidance. It promotes self-awareness and independence in the practice.

Why is a daily practice emphasized in Ashtanga Yoga? 

Daily practice in Ashtanga Yoga cultivates discipline, self-control, and a deeper connection to the practice. It allows for gradual progress and reflects the traditional approach to yoga as a way of life.

What role does philosophy play in Ashtanga Yoga?

Ashtanga Yoga incorporates the ethical guidelines of yamas and niyamas, emphasizing moral behavior. It also encourages self-study (svadhyaya) and devotion to a higher power (Isvara pranidhana) to add depth to the practice.

Can beginners and advanced practitioners both benefit from Ashtanga Yoga? 

Ashtanga Yoga is suitable for practitioners at all levels. Beginners can start with the Primary Series and gradually progress.

The structured nature of Ashtanga allows for continuous growth, making it suitable for both novice and experienced yogis.

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