In Which Asana Should One Practice Sectional Breathing?

In the bustling chaos of our daily lives, the quest for moments of tranquillity emerges as an increasingly vital pursuit to preserve our overall well-being.

An avenue that beckons towards this serenity is the practice of sectional breathing, a profound technique deeply entrenched in the ancient tapestry of yogic traditions.

Sectional breathing entails a deliberate and conscious exploration of the intricate territories within the lungs, fostering relaxation, refining focus, and elevating self-awareness.

The Essence of Sectional Breathing

Delving into the core of sectional breathing, called segmented or three-part breathing, unveils a methodology centred on engaging specific realms within the lungs—the lower part(upper abdominal), middle, and upper parts.

By channelling breath into each section, practitioners optimize oxygen intake and unburden themselves from tension, paving the way for a profound, lasting sense of calm.

Benefits of Sectional Breathing

  1. Stress Reduction: The activation of the parasympathetic nervous system during sectional breathing acts as a catalyst for the body’s relaxation response. This harmonious interplay effectively diminishes stress levels, ushering in a prevailing sense of tranquillity.
  2. Improved Lung Capacity: The deliberate focus on diverse lung regions enhances lung capacity and proves advantageous for individuals grappling with respiratory challenges or those aspiring to amplify their overall respiratory function.
  3. Enhanced Focus and Concentration: The intentional and rhythmic cadence of sectional breathing is a gateway to the present moment, nurturing heightened concentration and mental clarity. It’s a harmonious convergence of breath and mindfulness.
  4. Emotional Regulation: Sectional breathing unfolds as a potent instrument for emotional regulation, extending a helping hand to individuals navigating the ebbs and flows of anxiety, anger, and intense emotions. The practice brings about a sense of equilibrium and tranquillity.

Asanas for Sectional Breathing (My Personal Experience)

  1. Sukhasana (Easy Pose): Sukhasana, a foundational seated pose, provides an unwavering foundation for sectional breathing. Seated comfortably, elongate your spine and immerse yourself in directing your breath into the nuanced sections of your lungs.
  2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Cobra Pose, with its chest-expanding motion, actively engages the back muscles, creating an optimal environment for deeper breaths into the upper lungs. Each ascent of the chest becomes a canvas for the intricate dance of breath expansion and contraction.
  3. Marjariasana (Cat-Cow Pose): In the dynamic interchange between Cat and Cow poses, the breath synchronizes with movement. This rhythmic flow invites practitioners to explore sectional breathing, engaging different segments of the lungs with each graceful transition.
  4. Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge): Low Lunge extends a gentle invitation to stretch the chest and unfurl the front body, carving out space for breath to permeate the lower, middle, and upper lungs. Envision your breath, filling these distinct zones as you immerse yourself in the pose.
  5. Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose): Introducing Vajrasana, or Thunderbolt Pose, to your repertoire enhances the sectional breathing experience. Kneel on the mat, sit back on your heels, and focus on directing your breath into the intricate sections of your lungs while maintaining a grounded and stable posture.
  6. Padmasana (Lotus Pose): a classic seated pose, Padmasana adds another layer to the sectional breathing journey. This meditative posture involves crossing the legs and placing each foot on the opposite thigh. As you breathe, let the lotus blossom symbolize the opening of your lungs in different sections, fostering a deep sense of calm.
  7. Veerbhadrasana (Warrior Pose): Veerbhadrasana, or Warrior Pose, fortifies your asana sequence, promoting strength and stability. As you extend into the pose, visualize your breath permeating each section of your lungs, empowering you with a sense of vigour and balance.

Practising Sectional Breathing Safely

  1. Start Gradually: The path unfolds gently for those newly embarking on the journey of sectional breathing. Initiate the practice by focusing on one lung section at a time, gradually embracing the process as comfort and familiarity blossom.
  2. Mindful Awareness: Elevate your practice by cultivating acute awareness of the sensations unfurling in each section of your lungs. This conscious engagement becomes the linchpin for fully savouring the abundant benefits of sectional breathing.
  3. Consistency is Key: Akin to any yogic endeavour, sectional breathing thrives on consistency. Infuse this mindful breathing practice into your daily routine, whether a dedicated yoga session or a few minutes of deliberate breath amidst the clamour of a hectic day.
  4. Listen to Your Body: Acknowledge the unique language spoken by your body. Adjust the intensity of your sectional breathing practice by its cues. Should discomfort or pain arise, seek guidance from a seasoned yoga instructor or healthcare professional.


Embracing sectional breathing as an integral facet of your yoga journey bestows benefits from stress reduction to enhancing respiratory health.

The tapestry of this practice unfolds in even richer hues when interwoven with specific asanas meticulously crafted to amplify the experience of sectional breathing.

As you embark on this transformative expedition, let patience and consistency be your guiding stars.Whether you are a seasoned yogi or a novice, sectional breathing unfurls itself as a potent instrument for nurturing mindfulness, relaxation, and holistic well-being.

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